Assembly Resources

Assembly-based Resources

For Key Stages 1-3 

Please note, some assemblies may be more specific for a particular age, and may not be suitable across all key stages.

Topic: Hope

Two assembly-based resourcea for schools exploring the topic of ‘Hope’.  It helps students to consider what it is, what we hope for, and what The Bible says about it.  It enables students to consider for themselves the things that they are hoping for, and what (or who) they put their hope and trust in.

Topic: Forgiveness

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring the topic of ‘forgiveness’.  It helps students to consider the importance of good communication and the need to forgive when misunderstandings happen.  There’s also a great game at the start using the classic format of ‘Mallet’s Mallet’!

Topic: Wellbeing

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring the topic of ‘Wellbeing’. This assembly considers the topic of physical and emotional wellbeing, and touches on the topic of forgiveness. There is a great quiz to help kick off the assembly.

Topic: Reconcilliation

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring the topic of ‘Reconcilliation’. The assembly considers  how we can manage our relationships with others, and the need to forgive others. There is a great quiz to help kick off the assembly.

Topic: Who Do You ... ?

‘Who do you  believe in?’  (left) – Through a Superhero quiz, consider who has what super-powers.  What super-powers would you like and why?  Many people saw the amazing things that Jesus did, and the miracles He performed to help others.  As a result many people followed Jesus.  Who do you look up to and believe in, and why? 

‘Who do you follow? ‘ – Enabling students to consider the teams, celebrities or people that you follow and listen to.  Are they helpful?  Do they encourage you to stand up for what is right?  Are they good role models?  Those that we follow will influence our actions, words and thoughts, so it is important to be following the right people. 

Topic: Overcoming Chalenges (Series)

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring the topic of ‘Overcoming Challenges’.  Throughout the assemblies we will consider those things that will help us to suceed, including perseverance, using your skills and asking for help.  Each video will contain games or activities and enable students to reflect on the topics for their own lives and circumstances.

The video on the left, is the introductory video for the series; the videos underneath are part of the series, and can be watched in any order, or as a stand alone assembly.


The assembly video (left) has been created to explore the topic of perseverance, including the Bible story of Joshua and Jericho.  As an additional resource, we have also included a retelling of the Bible story, created by Veggie Tales (right). 

Video: © 2011 Veggie Tales / Joe Klumper

Use Your Skills & Talents

The assembly video (left) has been created to explore the topic of being yourself and using the skills and talents that you have, to overcome the challenges that we face.  As an additional resource, we have also included a retelling of the Bible story of David & Goliath, created by Saddleback Kids (right). 

Video: © 2020 Saddleback Kids

Asking For Help

The assembly video (left) has been created to explore the topic of overcoming the challenges that we face, and the importance of asking for help.  As an additional resource, we have also included a retelling of the Bible story of David & Goliath, created by Saddleback Kilents that youds(right). 

Video: © 2013 KidsHubTV

Topic: Identity (Series)

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring the topic of ‘Identity’.  Throughout the assemblies we will consider that we have an identity, that we are loved, valued and have a purpose.  Each video will contain games or activities and enable students to reflect on the topics for their own lives and circumstances.

The video on the left, is the introductory video for the series; the videos underneath are part of the series, and can be watched in any order, or as a stand alone assembly.

Topic: How Do You See Others? (Series)

An assembly-based resource for schools exploring how we view, and therefore treat, other people.  Throughout the assemblies we will consider topics such as Respect, Kindness, Generosity and others; exploring how this impacts our view and actions towards other people.  Each video will contain games or activities and enable students to reflect on the topics for their own lives and circumstances.

The video on the left, is the introductory assembly video for the series; the videos underneath are part of the series, and can be watched in any order, or as a stand alone assembly.

Topic: Year 7 Support

The move from primary to secondary school can be a great move for many, but can also be challenging too.  We recognise the importance of supporting this move and have created a variety of resources for Year 7 students and teaching staff.  

There are 3 sessions in total; each one comes with videos, activity sheet and a session plan for school staff or group leaders.

Topic: PHSE / RE Lessons

We have been asked to create a series of lessons suitable for KS2, that explore a series of social-emotional issues.  Each of the lessons contain videos, worksheets and a lesson plan for teachers.  


Why not tell us the things that have been helpful, what you have enjoyed, and if there is any way that we can make it even better!  

If there are any topics that would be helpful for you, please do let us know, as we would be happy to produce new assemblies for any specific requests and needs you may have.