Want to get involved?
There are many ways to get involved; including coming along to events, praying, volunteering or supporting us financially, to name just a few! Have a look below at the different ways to get involved.
Events & Information
Prayer Team
Our ministry is underpinned by lots of people who are praying for the children, young people, schools, the Team and our work. If you would like to join this team please either click on the link below, or contact Erica on tel.: 01494 522777 or email: erica@wycombeyfc.org.uk.
Financial Support
We are reliant on the financial support from local people and churches. Our work is growing and we have more opportunities than ever to work with children and young people in the wider area. In order to make the most of these opportunities, we need to increase our income. If you feel able to give financial, no matter how small, that would be brilliant and we would love to hear from you.
If you wish to give financially, and you would like 100% of your gift to be received by us, this can be done by bank transfer or cheque. Our details can be found using the links below, or you can contact us directly. Please contact Colin on tel.: 01494 522777 or email: office@wycombeyfc.org.uk for details on how to do this. Our Standing Order and Gift Aid Forms are on the right.
We do recognise that you may wish to donate immediately, by card, and as easily as possible. If so, you can donate online via CAF, and a small proportion of your donation will go towards the cost of this service. You can give online by clicking on the link below which will take you to the Wycombe YFC donation page with CAF, where you can donate via Debit or Credit Card, PayPal or through a CAF account.
Want to join the Team?
Want to make a difference? Then consider joining the Wycombe Youth For Christ Team. We have a range of work that the Team are involved in, and it provides an exciting opportunity to be a part in the development and growth of our ministry. We have volunteer and paid positions available, which can include schools ministry, mentoring and pastoral work, youth events and activities, and administration and finance.
All of the roles within the organisation, ultimately provide opportunity for children and young people to experience God, share their faith and be involved in growing their leadership giftings and skills.
If you are interested, please get in contact with contact Erica Holt (Director) on tel.: 01494 522777 or email: erica@wycombeyfc.org.uk.