Character, Strengths & Challenges
© 2019 Entertainment Studios
We all have different strengths, but many of us find it easier to list the things we find hard (our challenges). Our challenges do not need to be the reason why we cannot do something; instead they are the challenges we can overcome in the process of achieving and succeeding.
Listen to the videos where Bethany Hamilton shares some of her story. Use this to consider how you view challenges and whether you let them define who you want to be.
Use the resources here to explore your own strengths and challenges.
© 2016 Evangelical Free Church of America / Written and performed by David Bowden
The question and answer to ‘Who am I?’ is an important one, as it shapes our thoughts, words and actions. It impacts not just how we view ourselves, but also how we view and connect with others.
Have a look at the spoken word video ‘Who am I?’ It considers the question of identity and how their faith and belief in God helps find an answer to this question.
Use the resources here to explore the topic of identity, and to help you consider your answer to the question ‘Who am I?’
© 2016 SoulPancake
We all have choices – the challenge can be living with the consequences! The choices that you make can effect you your future, and your family and friendships.
Have a look at the video by “Kid President” on choices. It’s a fun video, but also has some great points on making choices when we have big decisions to make.
Use the resources here to explore the topic of choices, and to help you consider the choices that you need to make to help you achieve your goals.
Goals & Plans
© 2015 Saddleback Kids
You may have hopes and dreams – things that you want to do and achieve. It can be really helpful to consider what goals you have; these may be short-term or long-term – what you want to eat for dinner, or what career you want to do.
Have a look at the video retelling the story of Joseph, from The Bible. Despite things happening that seemed to stop Joseph achieving the goal God had given him, he learnt many skills and attitudes that helped him to achieve this goal.
Use the resources here to explore your own goals and aims in life. What will help you to achieve them? What choices may you need to make?
© 2017 sylvia soh / © 2016 BBC News
As we seek to reach our goals (no matter how big or small), we can sometimes lose our motivation and energy to achieve them. This is when we need to dig deep and persevere.
Watch the video about Derek Redmond. He was the favourite for winning the 400m sprint in the 1992 Olympics. During the race he tore his hamstring and his goal of crossing the finish line seemed all but lost. Watch the video to see what happened.
Use the resources here to explore the topic of perseverance, and to help you consider what may help you to keep on going, and ultimately help you to successfully achieve your goals.
© 2011 1RememberMe11
Friendships are really important; none of us are meant to be on our own, we are meant to be in community (connected with others). Friendships are one of the most important communities we have. Friendships influence and shape us; they affect our thoughts, actions and words.
Use the resources here to explore the topic of perseverance, and to help you consider what may help you to keep on going, and ultimately help you to successfully achieve your goals.
Handling Anger
© 2015 MrMcKillipOhio
We all experience anger; the difficulty is not the anger itself, as it is a normal emotion that we feel, and a natural response to experiences or situations. The difficulty comes in our response to our anger.
This video contains 5 handy tips on how to release some of the built up anger that we have inside us and to stay in control.
Use the resources here to explore positive ways to help control our emotions, especially anger.
© 2018 Conflict Virtreal SB
Conflict can be experienced in everyday life, though interactions with other people. It is the reaction and management of these situations that determine whether it escalates into conflict.
Watch the cartoon which shows how different people deal with conflict, and how compromise and working together can bring a solution better than being aggressive and stubborn!
Use the resources here to explore positive ways to manage relationships and deal with conflict.
Mental Health
Everyone has mental health – it relates a person’s state with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being. Difficulties in keeping positive mental health can affect anyone, from any background and at any time.
Ensuring you do all you can to maintain positive mental health is important.
Use the resources here to explore your own mental health and ways of supporting positive wellbeing.
The Future
As you look to the future, mark your successes; remember them; use them to bring encouragement when you are struggling to persevere. Your successes are beacons to spur you on, past the low points, to your ultimate goal.
Use the resources here to explore what will encourage you to keep on persevering.
Now you have had a look at all the resources, and hopefully watched the videos and had a go at the activity sheets … we’d love to know what you think!
Why not tell us the things that have been helpful, what you have enjoyed, and if there is any way that we can make it even better! You never know, your feedback may get featured on our website!