Topic: Patience
There are a lot of things we have to wait for, and most things that are better if we wait for them. It also takes a lot of patience to become who we want to be.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheets to help you consider how patient you are, and what may help you to get better!
Video: © 2017 Online Friend
Topic: Love
Our topic on love includes friendships and those who care for us. We can give and receive care in many different ways, from helping others to saying kind words.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider who cares for you and how you can show love and kindness to others!
Video: © 2017 Saddleback Kids
Topic: Goodness
Our topic on good choices explores why they are important. Good choices enable this world to be an amazing place to live, and helps us and the people around us to have the best possible friendships.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider what can stop us from making good choices, and what choices you might make today!
Video: © 2017 Saddleback Kids
Topic: Self-Control
Our topic on good self-control explores how we can manage our feelings, and find ways to control how we feel. If we don’t manage our emotions well, we can hurt ourselves and others. Consider the impact of putting Mentos in a bottle of pop – that’s the type of reaction we can have, if we don’t have self-control.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider what might help you to release your emotions in a positive way.
Video: © 2016 Kids Go Smart
Topic: Joy
Our topic on joy explores that the one thing that most (if not all) people want is joy and happiness. Each person may find joy and happiness in different ways and in different things.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider what brings you joy and happiness, and how you can bring joy to others.
Video: © 2017 Saddleback Kids
Topic: Peace
Our topic on peace looks at how we can be Peacemakers. This is important because they bring people together and this helps bring love, kindness and acceptance.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider how you can be a Peacemeker.
Video: © 2016 Saddleback Kids
Topic: Gentleness
Our topic on gentleness explores how we can be gentle with our actions and our words. Our words are really powerful. As much as our words can hurt others, so they can also encouragement and build people up too.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider how you can show gentleness in your words and actions.
Topic: Kindness
Our topic on peace looks at kindness. We can show kindness through words, actions, facial expressions and many other ways. We can show kindness from other people as well as receive it too.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider how you can be a Peacemeker.
Video: © 2011 LifeVestInside
Topic: Faithfulness
Our topic on peace explores faithfulness, focusing on honesty and trust. When we are honest and truthful with people, we can have a positive impact and others and the situations we are in.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider how you can develop your honest and faithfulness.
Video: © 2016 BBC Teach
Topic: Perseverance
We have explored topics that will help us to grow in our character and become the person that we want to be. One characteristic we will need is perseverance. We may find that there are times when we make mistakes or we fail. This can be discouraging. We must always remember not to give up; as perseverance enables us to see success.
Watch the videos and use the activity sheet to help you consider how you can develop your honest and faithfulness.
Video: © 2012 Derek Walmsley & / Music: © 2011 The Postman (aka Chris Matthewman)
Now you have had a look at all the resources, and hopefully watched the videos and had a go at the activity sheets … we’d love to know what you think!
Why not tell us the things that have been helpful, what you have enjoyed, and if there is any way that we can make it even better! You never know, your feedback may get featured on our website!